
Showing posts from 2017

Tonsillectomy Blog Day 4

Today was a rough one. I woke up in a lot of pain after skipping my late night pain killer dose last night to see if I can get by without it. I woke up around 4:30 am and started to alleviate the pain with the Hycet and icing my neck. I also finished up my steroids because of the misreading of the label. However, none of this was the worst part of my morning. About 15 minutes later the phone rang. My mother was on the other end telling us that we needed to come by her immediately. Upon hearing this I instantly knew my father had lost his bout with cancer. I struggled most of the morning to try and not cry as it was very painful both emotionally and physically. In seeing my family mourning my father's death I decided the best thing for me to do was try and be the rock and stay calm. I decided I was going to take the lead in helping everyone else through and setting up the arrangements as my mother and sibling, understandably, were in no shape to take on this task. I was so lost ...

Tonsillectomy Blog Day 3

DAY 3: I woke up this morning around 6am feeling miserable. I was sore in my legs and throat was killing me. I took about 5ml of Hycet and some water and feel back asleep knowing my full dosage was due around 8am. During this time I also iced my neck with an ice pack while I slept. I struggled to sleep but somehow managed to get some more sleep in until 8:30.  At this point I woke up and took my full dosage of prescriptions indulging Hycet, Tylenol, a little extra amoxicillin and ate. I had a protein shake for breakfast as my throat was killing me and couldn't imagine trying to swallow oatmeal or eggs. I had some gatorade to help with the naseau I was feeling from eating so little. According to the scale I have dropped 9 pounds in the two days I have been recovering. I just took my steroid and am planning on going on a Game of Thrones binge today starting from season 1.  As the day went on my pain started to get worse. My teeth are beginning to hurt when I drink i...

Tonsillectomy Blog Day 2

DAY 2: I woke up feeling rather well; much better than expected. I took my morning meds including my pain killers, amoxicillin, and steroid. I also iced my neck and had some ice chips to stay ahead of the pain. Unlike yesterday I was able to handle the ice cold fluids this morning. I then had a protein shake and it went down much easier than the night before. During the morning I was very stuffed and tried to clear my nose by blowing it and using the saline solution a lot. I even put some on a the end of a q-tip to make sure I covered the entire nasal passage to keep it moist. Quite a lot of blood was coming out and I even had about a 10 minute nose bleed. I was still hungry a couple of hours later and decided to cook scrambled eggs and oatmeal. I struggled eating the eggs as they would get caught in my throat but the oatmeal went down very smoothly. Next time I make eggs I am going to try them poached or over easy. I watched some TV and did some research on masters degrees and s...

Tonsillectomy Blog Day 1

DAY 1: I woke up around 7am very anxious to get this surgery over with. I am 34 years old and was dreading the surgery as I have had many people tell me it was the worst pain they ever felt. I was having my uvula and tonsils removed. Also, the doctor wanted to straighten out my septum while I was under. I was having the surgery to open up the breathing passage alleviate snoring, hopefully assist in curing my sleep apnea in a long term effort to reduce my weight and cure my sleep apnea altogether. I have also always struggled breathing during cardio, so I was hoping it would help out with that as well. I attempted the APAP machine prior to the surgery for about 6 months. But, it was very uncomfortable and I struggled to sleep with it on. I actually felt more tired from wearing it. I have been prepping for this surgery slowly over the past two weeks. I bought many of the items I needed on Amazon and at the supermarket. I purchased a humidifier which turned out to be the best thing I ...